Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pizza Party

Friday evening, April 29th, after a long-awaited, garden-work meeting, the Foodlums will be unwinding with a  

Pizza Party. 

In Foodlums Fashion, the crust will be handmade with ethical, local ingredients and perspective pizza eaters will be asked to bring the toppings.
Things that you might consider bringing for toppings :
Your favorite secret and delicious sauce
Also bring: Your own plate and silverware

The post-gardening party will go down at Tehya and Erin's house (720 Broadway) after we are done in the garden. From the garden, a bike brigade will mosey on over to the pizza house, singing earth-loving songs and sporting dirt-caked hands. 
If you come to the garden and no one is there, the Pizza Party has started and you should go to 720 Broadway.

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